So I’m at a bit of a crossroads. I could take a job for a nickel an hour and redeem my self-esteem in the process, or I could take up the terrifying life of a freelancer. No self-respecting 54-year-old wants to be on the dole. That being said, I’m too damn old to bring home $387 a week. I don’t care if I’m stirring oatmeal at the nursing home. I find my professional life has taken a turn since I moved from Syracuse to Martha’s Vineyard. Granted, it’s a newspaper life and we all know the printed word is about to be dug up by archeologists any time now. When you do something with your hands or your mind, even if it’s just typing, you tend to w...
This is where the action is. Where hopes and dreams meet harsh realities like middle age, household chores, marriage, cooking, family and friends, raising kids, and keeping the faith on a planet filled with beautiful turmoil.